“To give is more rewarding than to receive.”
These are the eternal words left by American philanthropist Mr. L. H. Severance in 1900.
A devout Christian, his wide-ranging philanthropy included the advancement of modern medicine to care for the sick and poor. It was in this spirit that The Severance Hospital of the Yonsei University Health System was named for him, who was a generous donor.
While we are a small company, we are firm believers in everyone doing our part to serve the community at large. Our company honors the generous spirit of Mr. L. H. Severance by giving a portion of its profits yearly to The Severance Hospital of the Yonsei University Health System, particularly to its cancer center. Since 2015 (when the company was formed) to date, our company has donated more than US$300,000.
We will strive to continue to serve not only our customers, but also our larger community.
Thank you.
CEO & Founder
Steve Chu